Llogiq on stuff

Lints That Collect Data Per Crate

(works with Rust 1.5.0-nightly-20151009)

Update (See below)

Here’s a short description of a technique I encountered while trying to write my Cow lint. When we have some more complex things to lint, we may sometimes require visiting the whole crate before reporting something – be it to weed out false positives or to add other related parts of the code in the report.

The technique has two parts: Data collection and deferred reporting. Since the data collection part will vary by lint, I will assume that you already know how to store data in a struct.

The trick is to use a Visitor implementation for walking the crate instead of walking it within the *LintPass. This looks like the following (I use a LateLintPass here, but the EarlyLintPass works just the same):

// our lint pass is but a shell to call the visitor
struct MyLintPass;

impl LintPass for MyLintPass {
    fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {

impl LateLintPass for MyLintPass {
    /// we only override `check_crate(..)` to get called once per crate
    fn check_crate(&mut self, cx: &LateContext, krate: &Crate) {
        let mut cv = MyVisitor::new(cx);
        cv.walk_crate(krate); // use the Visitor to walk the crate
        cv.report(krate); // report now we have all data

struct MyVisitor<'v, 't: 'v> {
    cx: &'v Context<'v, 't>,
    .. // data storage here

impl MyVisitor {
    fn report(self, krate: &Crate) {
        .. // whatever you want to report here

impl Visitor for MyVisitor {
    .. // collect data here

The rustc_front::visit::Visitor trait is quite similar to LateLintPass (apart from missing the Context, but we compensate by storing a reference to it within our visitor). One thing we need to keep in mind is that whenever we override a method, we need to call the corresponding walk_.. method from the rustc_front::visit module, otherwise our Visitor will ignore whatever is in the thing we visit with the method. So if we implement visit_fn(..) and forget to call walk_fn(self, fnkind, fndecl, block, span), our visitor will fail to look into the innards of any function. While this may well be acceptable for some lints, it’s something to keep in mind.

This technique is useful for lints that need to check the whole crate for occurrences of something (and cannot use the context’s helpers for it), or should report only the first or last occurrence of something, etc. Naturally, whenever the Context already gives us access to the data, there’s no need to replicate the functionality. However, even the Context doesn’t make all information easily available.

Bonus: While this technique can still be quite useful, there is one problem when trying to lint within the Visitor: The lint will ignore level annotations (e.g. #[allow(..)]) because the Visitor doesn’t keep track of thelint level. So you should always lint the current element in the corresponding check_* method. Since this PR, we have a few methods called after visiting blocks, items and crates: check_block_post(&mut self, _: &Context, _: &Block), check_item_post(&mut self, _: &Context, _:&Item), check_crate_post(&mut self, _: &Context, _: &Crate). Together with the check_expr_post(&mut self, _: &Context, _: &Expr) that’s already there.

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